Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flatter Stomach Dieting Tricks!!!

Flatter Stomach Dieting Tricks

Here are some flatter stomach dieting tricks that will speed up your
weight loss efforts. Use 1 or all of them to help you get a flat belly.

1. Use Stevia... the natural sugar substitute

If you're anything like me, you like sugary drinks. Maybe instead you went
with diet drinks, which contain aspartame (not good). These are perhaps worse
than the sugary drinks. The solution to this is to use Stevia, which is a
natural sugar substitute. It's not man-made.

What I do with it is I put 2 packets of Stevia in water. This sweetens it up
so it's not just plain water you're drinking. I now have no cravings for sugary
soft drinks.

2. Get 20 grams of protein at each meal

Why? Because protein speeds up your metabolism and slows blood sugar spikes.
Obviously, these are 2 powerful ways to help you to lose weight fast. What to
choose... chicken breasts, turkey breasts, tuna, salmon, lean beef, and black
beans are all good choices to get 20 grams into your meals.

3. Eat an apple before your meals

Apples have 5 grams of fiber in them. This helps fill you up ahead of your
meal. You'll end up eating less of your meal without having to rely on your
willpower or self-discipline. This allows you to continue eating foods that you
like, it just makes you eat less of them.

These 3 things will help you to lose weight. You might not lose
10 pounds in a week, but it will be consistent weight loss. So take these flatter
stomach dieting tricks and apply them daily...

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