Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Diet Tricks!!!

Diet Tricks
Here are some diet tricks you can use to ACCELERATE the rate at which you're losing weight. If you're not currently losing weight for whatever reasons, then these tricks will move you over the plateau.

1. Eat a raw fruit or vegetable before AND after your meals
Why? Because they have live enzymes in them. These enzymes are beneficial towards breaking down foods and pre-digesting them for you. This helps make your digestion more efficient and better able to help you out with weight loss.
I prefer 1 apple before meals and 3 baby carrots after the meal. You don't need to limit yourself to my preferences however.
2. Always have 20 grams of protein in your meals
It doesn't matter how you get those 20 grams of protein, just be sure to get them in each meal. Why? Because protein slows down your simple sugar carbs from racing into your bloodstream and SPIKING UP your blood sugar levels. Another reason... protein is a METABOLIC-ENHANCER. Protein quickens your metabolism.
Eggs, chicken, protein shakes, turkey, tuna, salmon, black beans, or lentils... all top choices for protein.
3. Chew gum
This is a quasi-diet related trick. Research has demonstrated that chewing gum burns off 11 calories per hour. Not much in itself, but it helps. But the real reason why I advocate chewing gum is because it helps you produce enzymes because chewing gum stimulates the flow of saliva in your mouth.
This helps with weight loss because your enzymes are the first part of your digestive process. Strengthen them and your food is better digested with more useful nutrients being pulled out of them to the benefit of your body and more wastes by-products broken down and pushed out of your body faster.
Try these 3 simple diet tricks and watch for some big weight loss over the coming weeks..

Also use the cabbage soup diet plan click here...

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